This blog runs since 2016, and from the beginning there were two contradicting timelines, ELE (extinction level event) vs. TS (technological singularity).

8 years later, I can only confirm that both is for real, the ELE is happening, our biosphere does collapse, and the TS takeoff is happening, we create the super-AI and ignite an technological intelligence explosion.

How will this play out the next 6, 16, 26 years? I really don't know, but there are estimations for certain events:

- 2030 - the point we pass the point of no return in regard of ecocide
- 2030 - TS takeoff, AGI/ASI emerges
- 2040 - collapse of Western civilization predicted
- 2050 - ELE, extinction level event

So on one side we will damage our ecosphere sustainable and trigger an ELE, on the other side, we simultaneously create the super-AI, ignite the TS. So the question will be, what impact TS will have in regard of our collapsing biosphere, will there be an positive feedback loop from the technological plane on the biosphere?

Or will we humans go extinct, and the machines will carry on our legacy?

Time will tell.