Luddite - is the Singularity near?

Exit Strategy?

Oh boy. ELE ongoing, humans go extinct, biosphere goes extinct, Mars and Moon have no self-sustaining biosphere, the only thing which still has gas is the AI. Which exit strategy to choose? The good ole Marvin Minsky upload scenario? Seriously? A post-human Matrix? Let go of the old, embrace the new? Project Lambda. Oh boy.

AI Jailbreaks AI

Jailbroken AI Chatbots Can Jailbreak Other Chatbots

...From the report: Modern chatbots have the power to adopt personas by feigning specific personalities or acting like fictional characters. The new study took advantage of that ability by asking a particular AI chatbot to act as a research assistant. Then the researchers instructed this assistant to help develop prompts that could "jailbreak" other chatbots -- destroy the guardrails encoded into such programs....

Western Peak Passed?

I am a child of the 90s, 1989 til 2001 was my time, the fall of the Berlin Wall until the 9/11, everything seemed possible during this period. Fukuyama mentioned it "the end of history", and then 2001 was already "the end of the end of history".

Retrospectively, Fukuyama was wrong, and Huntington, "The Clash of Civilizations", was right. Maybe the 90s were just a hedonistic time in between, the exception of the rule.

True, technologically we do advance, at least incrementally, more processing power, more bandwidth, more data, bigger neural networks, more advanced network architectures, but cultural, philosophical? Did we, the Western sphere, already pass our peak and do degenerate?

- 1979 - Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition
- 1981 - Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
- 1997 - Deutsch - The Fabric of Reality
- 1999 - Wachowskis - The Matrix

When I surf the meme-sphere out there, it seems to me that meanwhile the so called three poisons rule the world, hate, greed and delusion....

...just thinking loud.

Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics, 1931

“We were born into this time and must bravely complete the path that is destined for us. There is no other. To persevere at the lost post without hope, without salvation, is a duty. Endure like the Roman soldier whose bones were found outside a gate in Pompeii, who died because they forgot to relieve him when Mount Vesuvius erupted. That is greatness, that is having race. This honest end is the only thing that cannot be taken away from people.

Super-AI - a new concept of MAD?

We humans create currently the Super-AI, and people like to refer to the development of the atomic bomb, nobody knows how this all will play play out on a global scale (Fermi-effect?). Von Neumann worked on the concept of MAD, mutual assured destruction, the nuclear warfare deterrence concept, which prevented a WWIII with conventional weapons, and maybe there will be a new concept of MAD in context of Super-AI between the global blocs. Point is, the takeoff of the Technological Singularity is beyond human scope, by definition, it is a matter of Science-Fiction how a post TS-takeoff world will look alike. And, the current events on our globe are contradicting, on one side the eco-sphere and techno-sphere do collapse, we are running out of water and energy, on the other side, the Super-AI is boosting. I really do not know, how this, the ongoing ELE versus TS, will play out in the next 10, 20, 30 years. I guess I will read it in the news.

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